Stand for the rear window or tailgate in the Marco Polo or V-Class
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Product information "Stand for the rear window or tailgate in the Marco Polo or V-Class"
There are a number of tailgate openers on the market, but we didn't know of any that can be used for both the tailgate and the rear window.
All the ones we know of on the market are either for the tailgate or for the rear window.
So we tested for a long time until we found this version.
A great thing especially for dog owners, but also for forced ventilation at night.
Also suitable for the electric tailgate !
If you use it on the electric tailgate, you stop the tailgate just before you reach the hook by pressing the opening button on the tailgate.
Feel free to watch our Youtube video on this:
May 9, 2022 10:46
sehr praktisch
Praktisches Zubehör. Gerade mit Tieren im Fahrzeug super. Klein und somit gut verstaubar und nimmt nicht viel Platz weg. Genial da es für Heckfenster und Heckklappe funktioniert. Benutze es fast täglich.